My top tips for Veganuary
Veganuary 2024 - My top tips
Image by Jodie Mitchell Photography - Vegan dessert table by Tiny Sarah’s Cakes
Veganuary has been going for ten years now, and has grown from 3000 participants to millions. Veganism isn’t going to go away, for many reasons (for me is the thought of harming animals but people do it for health, environment and being kind to humans as well as animals).
You may have found me because you are ethical and into the cruelty free aspect of beauty, so I thought I'd share some Veganuary tips for 2024.
I have a lot of carnivores around me when I go out to eat and one thing they all have in common - they end up getting food envy when they see my vegan meal. We don't just eat boring, plain salads you know! That being said, it's easy to be SO unhealthy with the abundance of vegan junk food out there these days, so just make sure you are eating what you fancy as long as your body is feeling good and healthy. Don't worry about gaining/losing weight, if there are too many carbs/fats/calories, just eat to make yourself feel good. Food is life.
Image by Holly Florence Photography
Visit your local pub/restaurants
They usually offer Veganuary menus and events.
Look for online influencers
They will share videos on what foods are available in supermarkets and restaurants. My favourites are The Little London Vegan and The Vegan Beauty Girl. If you’re US based, you have to follow Jessica Haze too.
Use meal delivery companies
All Plants is a plant based, ready meal delivery service. Companies like Hello Fresh, Hey Gousto will also have vegan options for you to try.
Find recipes online
A quick google will bring up loads of results. Take your pick!
Think about your personal care products too
Have a look at vegan and cruelty free alternatives for your body, hair and makeup products.
Don’t forget, I’ve had my kit as fully vegan for 8 years now so I am always happy to help recommend alternative beauty products to you, and try and get you discount too! My Look Fantastic code LFTFTONIBRIDAL will get you discount on a lot of brands on their site, from 22% off! Have a look at The Body Shop too, all products formulated going forward are now going to be 100% vegan!
Leave a comment with any questions and I’ll get back to you. Thanks for reading!
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